Monday, 24 February 2014

Some more context

1967 saw the UK release of several all-time-great films; here's just three of them:

Bonnie and Clyde

Blow Up

The Graduate

Meanwhile, the next print from UEV is Computer-Epoch:

In 1967 Paolozzi’s UEV images seemed ‘high-tech’, yet they were made by craft-based processes.  Although photo-silkscreen was a relatively new, fashionable printing method, Paolozzi had to collect hard copy image components and paste these up in collages in order to create the print master.  I sense his frustration that whilst a good deal of his subject matter referred to and depicted computer technology, he had no facilities to utilise such resources for his creative practice.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Sunday, 2 February 2014

A little context - LPs of '67 and 7 pyramide . . .

Just four of the many, many great records released in 1967:

And the next print in the suite, 7 pyramide in form einer achtelskugel