Monday, 11 August 2014

Questions without Answers

Futurism at Lenabo is the eighth print in the Suite. 
The text, quoted from Norman Malcolm’s Memoir, at the top of this print reads: 

It is worth noting that Wittgenstein mentioned that a serious and good philosophical work could be written that would consist entirely of jokes (without being facetious). Another time he said that a philosophical treatise might contain questions (without answers).  In his own work he made use of both.  To give an example:  ‘Why can’t a dog simulate pain?  Is he too honest?’  (Philosophical Investigations §250) 

Some questions, (as said, so menacingly, by Gareth in The Office): 

Is Paolozzi referring to the Royal Naval Air Service airship station constructed at Lenabo in Aberdeenshire, (better known as RNAS Longside)? 
Is there a reference to Wittgenstein’s involvement at Manchester University with kites and weather observation balloons and his wish for a posting to a balloon unit in WW1? 

Do some of the comic book-style component pictures look like aerial views of land/townscapes? 

Is this an example of Aeropainting - a branch of the Italian Futurist art movement which developed during the 1920s? 

Does the word Futurism have an association with the idea that in 1915 airships may have been seen as realised science fiction? 

Is there a hint of irony here – the station was closed in 1920: airships were already looking like a superseded technology?

Given the convoluted nature of the Paolozzi/Wittgenstein milieu, are the above questions too obvious? – see below:


  1. This is a great post tthanks

  2. Thank you Agatha - glad you've liked this. Regards, David
